A Better Tomorrow Begins Today
TLG Hydrogen, LLC

Working with you for a cleaner environment



Caustics / Electrolytes

There are several ideas about what can be used in water to enhance the electrolysis process.
Distilled water or rain water is the best source to start.  However because these forms of water are pure they are not easily excited, therefore some type of electrolyte needs to be added to the water.
I personally think the most important thing to keep in mind is this: Any chemical we add to the water will be extracted during the electrolysis process turning it into a gas form, then it will go to the engine to be burned.  Possible damage to the engine itself along with the byproducts produced by burning those chemicals needs to be considered.

Now I know that we can set the gaps on our plates close and use plain distilled water or rain water to make hydrogen.  But that has a negative side affect too.  That is oxidation.  All your plates will end up gray looking or worse yet black and you will have to tear your system apart and clean it.

As I said before there are lots of ideas about what can be used.  Baking Soda is about the most common electrolyte used.  But it is a very nasty solution that turns everything in your system brown.  When this happens you have to take everything apart to clean it.  Not good!

What we have found that works best is Potassium Hydroxide also known as KOH.  It looks like white flakes of dried calcium.  KOH works very well and will not make your water turn brown.  If you have a system using KOH and your water turns brown then that means you are over driving your cell.  That is a whole different topic for discussion.

Bottom line:
Pure water works buts it oxidizes your stainless steel.
Baking Soda works but its nasty.
KOH or Potassium Hydroxide is the best we have found so far.  If something better comes up rest sure I will share.

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