A Better Tomorrow Begins Today
TLG Hydrogen, LLC

Working with you for a cleaner environment



What is Hydrogen, and how it's made.

Please keep in mind that we are not the foremost experts on Hydrogen gas.
We are just sharing our experience with you.

Basic Overview:

The kind of Hydrogen that is produced by the kinds of cells the public is building is not pure Hydrogen.  The output is a Hydrogen and Oxygen mix which is much more explosive than just pure Hydrogen.
Please keep this in mind:  Never try to store any of the Hydrogen you create.  Never let your reservoir build up pressure.
Try to keep your reservoir pressure at zero or in a state of vacuum.

Hydrogen gas is produced in the cells that the general public builds or buys through a process known as Electrolysis.

This is done by passing a DC current through water.
As we all know water, or H2O is 2 parts Hydrogen, and one part Oxygen.  The Oxygen molecule is negatively charged which attracts the Hydrogen molecules which are positively charged.  Remember how opposites attract?  There you have it.
When we apply DC current thorough electrodes the H2O molecule separates.  The Hydrogen molecules attract themselves to the Negative plates while the Oxygen molecule is attracted to the Positive plates.
So what we have found from the above statement is this.  If you wire up a cell with two positive plate and one negative plate you get what seems to be a low grade of Hydrogen.
If you wire up your cell with two negative plates and one positive plate the hydrogen seems to be much more explosive.
Why do we say that?
When we wired up our cells two end plates to be positive, and one center plate as negative the bubbles rising didn't seem to have as loud of a pop as those produced when we had the cell wired with the two end plates as negative and the center plate as positive.
We pushed this a bit further by filling a 1 liter bottle with Hydrogen made from both wiring configurations and placing it upside down on a small rod and passing a flame under the bottle opening. (while warring a face shield, gloves, etc.)
Both types of production were from a bottle full of water turned upside down in a bucket filled with Hydrogen until the bottle was empty. then capped by hand and placed on the rod then lit with a lighter.
The one filled with two positive and one negative went WHOOMP making a loud WHOOMP sound.  It crowned the end of the bottle and went up about 75 feet or so.
The one that was filled using two negatives and one positive plate in the middle went BOOM.  It went up about 5 feet because the end of the bottle along with the sides of the bottle were blown all to pieces.

Based on that test we feel that you make more Hydrogen or a more explosive form of Hydrogen by using more negative plates than positive.

The energy it takes to produce Hydrogen is best figured in watts or Kilowatts rather than amperage since the voltage of various power supplies vary, but the wattage is the same from cell to cell or from power supply to power supply on the same cell.
What I mean is this.  We have tested several cell designs and tested them on different power supplies.  What we found was the same production no mater what the amperage was.
On our Power supply it varies from 40 volts up to 120 volts.  The amperage varies up and down as well.  Therefore the wattage required to achieve a certain output remains the same.

We made a 2" by 2" cell out of Stainless Steel washer gapped at .006 of an inch. (six thousands)
The water was pure distilled with nothing added.  At 60 watts this little cell produces 1.5 liter per minute.  It produces 1.5 liters per minute at 6 volts at 10 amps,  it produces 1.5 liters per minute at 12 volts 5 amps, it produces 1.5 liters per minute at 100 volts and .06 amps.
The problem with this cell is the close gap, it produces too much heat to be a solution for long term operation.  none the less the wattage to achieve the Hydrogen production was the same even though the voltage and amperage varied.

Most of you visiting here have heard the name Stanley Meyers. (God rest his soul)
Stan was as far as I know the first person to ever build a Hydrogen system to fully power a cars engine.  Some of his work is available on the Internet but it is vague at best.

(This paragraph is just my personal opinion)
I believe that all the information that is out there including the pictures and videos shown are just decoys.  Things that have been shared with the public to steer us in the WRONG direction.  I base my opinion on several different things I have seen from the cell design shown on the videos to the power systems and drawings that are floating around the Internet. 
We spent about a week chasing that design and deemed it to be not worth the time or trouble, and certainly not worth the money to even attempt the design.
I do believe that Stan had a system that worked, but I don't believe that system has anything to do with what is floating around on the Internet that many people are trying to figure out from the vague information they are getting their hands on.

TLG Hydrogen LLC has not developed a way to completely run your car on hydrogen, but we have developed a way to safely produce very large amounts of hydrogen and along with a way to fully control it based on engine rpm without any electronic components that could fail and cause harmful affects with the hydrogen production.

There will be more added to this page later, but for now you have a basic idea.

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