Stan's TLG-500 in Virginia
Comments below the images.
Here are the photos I promised to send. (Finally) These are various views
from on top of the barn as well as from the ground. As per our phone call,
we still haven't got any measurable sustained winds!!
The photos that show the trees close up are before the trees were removed.
As you can see, my biggest obstruction is the house, which I can't move:)
Feel free to use any or all of them and add any remarks that you like. I
will be sending some numbers to you when the wind starts to blow
again...usually within this month.
You can mention that w/ slight breezes that we have got, many times the
TLG is the only thing spinning. Also as I told you on the phone, the couple
of T-storms that we have had, I have seen currents as high as 27 amps. This
was total current w/ the hornet, but most was produced by the TLG!!
Also you can mention that the TLG was extremely easy to install, especially
w/ the collar which is shown in one of the photos.
This is especially note worthy seeing as I have 14 screws holding my neck
I will be sending some numbers as wind permits.
Thanks, Stan