Bernal proves TLG rotors are not just for land.
Comments below the images
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My boat was built in 1970 and
came with an abundance of outdated but still very functional gear
when I bought it last year. One of these items was a
fixed-mount wind generator with a wooden 2-bladed prop. The
braking is done via a bicycle brake that grips behind the arbor.
During a storm, the brake cable snapped and got caught in the prop,
chewing the wood up and opening it to moisture. The missing
wood and water soaking into the prop put it severely out of
balance. It was useless, and beyond repair after that.
The old prop had a diameter of 60 inches, and it made my search for
a replacement absolutely impossible. My last-ditch attempt was
to look on ebay, and sure enough there it was!
I had to have the new prop drilled and a sleeve machined to fit over
the arbor to take up the space of the old prop (its base was 2
inches thick), but the results are well worth the trouble. The
lighter weight brakes faster, spins in lighter winds, and totally
outperforms the old prop. With winds of about 7 knots, from an
angle, (the generator cannot turn to face the wind, not a problem at
anchor but the boat is in a slip right now,) the generator was
putting out enough juice to put charge to the battery. My
meters are not good enough to give any amperage details; I'll
try to find someone at the marina with stuff to measure and get back
to you on the numbers.
I just wanted to say how pleased I
am with the 3-bladed wind prop I bought from you on Ebay.
It's mounted on my sailboat's wind generator and now kicks out
loads of power for me. It starts turning at even lower wind
velocities than you had advertised. It's a lot quieter and
better balanced than my old wooden prop, and spins at even higher
Kudos to you for making an excellent product!
Jeremy Bernal
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