Gary's twin system falls due to a faulty guy wire connection.
Before I released the AL series rotors I crash
tested every rotor design I currently offer to see if they would
come apart in the event of an accident such as this.
Sadly Gary just saved me from running my next test which was to
crash test a 1 year old set of AL series blades.
For Gary's sake I would have much rather ran this test myself.
Here is a true testimony to the safety of my rotor
A once fully operational system hits the ground in high winds due to
a faulty guy wire connection after about a year of solid use.
You can see in the pictures below that the blades were turning at
high speed when they hit the ground. Although they are badly
bent they did not break and go flying a cross his yard risking lives
and property. The Power Disc AL (10-blade) rotor came to
grinding stop spinning in the gravel throwing rocks
everywhere. Although the Aluminum blades will be scratched up
Gary thinks the whole rotor can be salvaged.
The Tri-Nado MM rotor (3-blade) is a complete loss as it bent the
blades and the hub on impact. But even as hard as it hit and
spinning from the high winds it to stayed together.
Click on the sad images below to view full size.
Hours of work lost. One of the saddest pictures I have seen.
Close up of the Tri-Nado MM after high speed impact.
Double check yourself on all connections and where
and how they are mounted. Don't let something like this happen
to you.
One more thought.. For those of you that have
heard or used the buzz words "metal fatigue".
If Gary would have been flying wooden or fiber composite blades do
you think they would still be attached to the hub as my Aluminum
blades still are?
This should pretty much prove that my Aluminum blades were still
solid after a year of hard use and not showing any signs of this
feared "metal fatigue".
It is clear that they held up to a high speed crash without breaking
apart. If they were suffering from metal fatigue they would
have shattered.
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