for more information.

Final Assembly Instructions for the TLG-500 Wind Generator

When your unit arrives please open the top of the box and remove the flat rotor box, which has the Boast Buster blades, hub, and hardware, along with the rectifier diode.
Please get assistance when you are ready to lift the generator yaw assembly out of the box. The unit weighs about 40 pounds without the rotor blade assembly.

Assembly of the Boast Buster or Cy-Clone Rotor

Remove all hardware from the shipping flat.
Before you mount the blades please place a thin layer of silicone around the mounting holes up to the end of the arm, and one pencil size lines down the center and one pencil size at outside edge of the hub arm opposite of the bolt holes. This will dampen harmonic noise from the hub to the blades.
Insert all blade front washers onto the blades.
Insert the bolts into the hub arm add the flat washer to the back side of the hub, then the locknut to the bolt.
NOTE: the flat side of the blade runs flush (smooth) with the side of the hub arm.
Also use a spot of grease or anti-seize on your bolts.  Since they are stainless steel there is a risk of seizing the threads if you don't
Tighten the center bolt snug to where you could tap the blade and move it if needed.
Use (something straight) a mini level etc to help you align the blade edge to the hub arm. (if needed)
Tighten up the remaining two bolts along with the center one that you just had snug.
Recheck the blade to make sure it is still running straight down the hub arm.
Repeat the process for the remaining two blades.

The rotor is now assembled and ready to mount to the TLG-500 head.

At this time you have a decision to make!
Are you going to mount the rotor to the generator and raise it as a complete unit?
Or are you going to mount the rotor to the generator after the yaw assembly has been mount on the pole?
Proceed to the correct procedure below per your decision.

Mounting the Boast Buster or Cy-Clone Rotor to the TLG-500 Generator Head

Hook all three of the black lead wires of the generator together to apply the shunt brake.
Place the large flat washer on the generator shaft.
Sit the hub of the rotor on the generator shaft (remember the bolts of the rotor will be on the left-hand side of the hub arm that is closest to the 12 o'clock position as you are looking at it.  Place the nut on the shaft and snug down the hub to get it started on the shaft.
Remove the shaft nut and place the lock washer on the top of the hub.  This allows the hub to mount the shaft easier since it is zero tolerance fit.

Install and tighten the nut with an Wrench or socket.  Make it tight but don't be stupid! ;)

That completes the rotor to the generator head, either on the pole or on the ground

Hooking up the wires of the generator head to the drop wire (extension cord)

Run the extension cord through the strain relief on the yaw assembly.
Tighten the two screws on the strain relief.
Cut and strip the wires of the extension cord.
It is ok to cut down the length of the wire coming out of the TLG-500 head to make a neater install.
Place a piece of heat shrink tubing (not supplied as it is optional) over each wire of the generator head.
Twist the wires from the extension cord and the TLG-500 together.
Solder each wire and then cover with heat shrink tube, then heat tubing to shrink. OR use a good amount of electrical tape.

Mounting the Yaw Assembly to the Pole

NOTE:  If you purchased a split collar (LC-split1.5) with the unit please install the collar at exactly 2 inches down from the top of the pipe before you place the TLG-500 on the pole.  The split collar really simplifies the mounting on the pole process.  With a split collar you can just sit the generator assemble on the pole and tighten the two set screws without having to raise the unit from resting on top the pipe.

There are two set screws in the lower bearing housing.   You will need a 3/16" Allen wrench for this part.
Sit the TLG-500 over the 1 1/2" pipe unit it touches the strain relief plate.
Raise the unit 3/16 of an inch up and tighten the first of the two set screws with your 3/16" Allen wrench.
Tighten the second set screw... NOW back it off and retighten it again.  You will notice is goes in a bit further.
Repeat the back off, and retighten process to the other set screw to make sure both set screws on the bearing are seated in the pipe.

Hooking the extension cord to the supplied 3-phase rectifier at the battery bank

Once you have the extension cord ran to the battery bank stripe the outside isolation back so that you have about 6 inches of wire showing.
Place one each supplied crimp connectors to each wire of the extension cord. (solder the tip if you want on each connector)
NOTE: When hooking the terminals to the rectifier make sure you do not short your nut driver/tool against any other part of the rectifier.  The generator may be turning and putting out power during this part and damage to the rectifier may occur.
Place one heavy gauge wire in each of the supplied crimp connectors for the positive and negative battery leads.

For more information and pictures with the above instructions please visit the TLG Windpower Products website.